Rejuvenate at Rejuvenation Hardware

Are you looking at your home and thinking you wish you could restore it, reform it, reuse or repair? Or BOMB it? Their customer service is legendary, which if you know me, you know that counts for 90% of the shopping experience.

So everything short of bombing you can probably get help with at Rejuvenation Hardware. They’re having their annual factory sale through Jan. 25 – 25% off already reduced prices. Not to mention up to 75% off on clearance items.

Rejuvenation is one of my favorite stores. I can spend an entire Sunday afternoon just browsing through their  room vignettes at the store at 1100 SE Grand Ave. Since our house was built in 1913 and we know who the architect was and the style (French Renaiisance) it’s easy to shop for that style and era. They have lighting, fixtures, accessories and antiques by era including: period_basics_z0081321 arts_and_cratfs_z008133




Shop on!